Missions at Devon
"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:
and, lo, I am with you alway,
even unto the end of the world"
Matthew 28:19,20
Roger & Julie Hederstedt
Serving God in Japan
Roger & Julie served as missionaries in Japan from 1982-2007. Their son Steve is a pilot based in Virginia. Their son Eric attends Hope College in Michigan.
Roger currently oversees CRM's ministry in Asia, helping CRM staff and their families stay healthy, focused and strategic as they develop leaders who start and strengthen churches in Singapore, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia and elsewhere. Between frequent visits to Asia, Roger uses Skype, phone, and email for coaching, encouraging, empowering, planning and praying with staff, as well as taking advantage of opportunities in the U.S. to network and recruit for mission.
Beth Hedges
Serving College Campuses in the Chicagoland area
Beth Hedges is on staff with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. She has been with IV for 15 years including servings on campus at Loyola University Chicago and Northeasten Illinois and as an Area Director. She now works with the Chicago Urban Program (CUP). CUP brings college students to the Westside of Chicago to learn what the Gospel of Jesus has to do with urban issues such as racism, poverty and injustice through experiential learning experiences in the neighborhood.
"Our Vision is to see Students and Faculty Transformed, Campuses Renewed, and World Changers Developed"
John & Yoriko Livingston

Sharing Christ's Love with
International Students
It was in 1994 that God called John to be a missionary. In obedience, he threw a few necessities of life into his compact and aging Nissan Sentra and began the long trek from Midwest plains, over the Rocky Mountains, and down into the Willamette Valley to attend Multinomah Seminary in Portland, Oregon. At that time he thought it was just a stop on the way to his ultimate mission field overseas, but since, we have come to see that all along it was God's plan for us to minister to international students here in the States. John and Yoriko Livingston have been with International Students Inc. for several years now in the mission field. They have two children, Hope and Trueman.
Gregory & Debby Nichols
Sharing Christ's Love in the Czech Republic
Gregory and Debby Nichols have been missionaries with Greater Europe Mission since 1990. Previously, Greg served at Devon as the youth pastor while he was a student at Moody Bible Institute. The Nichols family is involved in two distinct ministries. Gregory is a teacher and chaplain at a seminary in Prague, Czech Republic as well as a regional supervisor for Greater Europe Mission. Greg teaches at a seminary which trains leaders from across Europe and the Middle East. Many of them are church planters and denominational leaders who oversee church planting efforts in their countries.
Connected to his teaching at the seminary, he serves as a pastor and chaplain to the seminary’s congregation which is purposefully encouraging the students to preach and lead worship in the hopes that they will return to their home countries with a clear direction regarding their ministry skills. Debby is deeply involved with him as they disciple the seminary students. Additionally, Greg serves as a regional supervisor for Greater Europe Mission meaning that he leads / coaches 12 field leaders who are either church planters or are supervising church planters.
Greater Europe Mission is committed to seeing a church planting movement across Europe and their mission statement is to “disciple all peoples of Europe through rapidly reproducing churches” (www.GEMission.org) . Greg’s responsibility with Greater Europe Mission is to lead and enable their missionaries in the task of planting churches. As a regional leader, he serves on the leadership team of Greater Europe Mission.
Mark & Mary Esther Penner
Giving the Japanese Deaf a Bible
in Their Own Language
Mark and Mary Esther Penner have been working in church development among the Deaf of Japan for nearly 30 years. They have found that the greatest need for aiding outreach and discipleship in this community is a Bible in their native language, Japanese Sign Language. Mark is engaged as an adviser and resource to a Japanese Sign Language Bible translation project that plays a key role in the worldwide sign language Bible translation movement of more than 70 projects. Mary Esther directs a non-profit organization that partners with local communities and organizations to collect, refurbish, and send wheelchairs to those in Asia who need them.
Both Mark and Mary Esther's parents served as missionaries to Japan in church planting and evangelism. They graduated together from an MK school in Tokyo. Mary Esther then went to nursing and worked as a registered nurse. Mark went to Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, and then attended Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon. He graduated in 1982 with a master of arts degree in Old Testament Studies. After WorldVenture (formerly CBInternational) appointed them to ministry in 1982, they arrived in Japan in 1983. Their three children are living in California.
For information on Missions at Devon Church, email us at info@devonchurch.org